

Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 - Beyond the investment on social capital, towards the legacy

Objective(s) of the session

  • Audience gets to know about Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 journey, the plans, investments made and the path forward to building a strong sustainable legacy for the youth of the country.
  • Audience explores the challenges and results of this journey and the spaces for improvement in regards to youth policy and work in Albania.

This session will introduce to the audience how the Tirana European Youth Capital (Tirana EYC) 2022 journey took place. It will describe the plans and investments made towards reaching the set forth objectives for the title awarded by the European Youth Forum, as well as how its legacy is envisioned.  

The National Youth Congress of Albania is an umbrella organization of youth organizations, informal groups, youth forums of political parties, with the aim of exchanging information, highlighting youth issues as well as advocating and lobbying for the resolution of these issues. In cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana, the National Youth Congress has designed and is implementing a macro program for Tirana EYC 2022 during which numerous initiatives and activities are empowering youth voices and bringing a youth perspective in all aspects of the city life.

The session on Tirana EYC 2022 will follow a presentation and a 20-minute interactive discussion with Q&A.

Project in the frames of which the session was developed

National Youth Congress of Albania, Tirana European Youth Capital 2022


Dafina Peci

Executive Director at the National Youth Congress of Albania
Tirana European Youth Capital 2022

Dafina Peci has been holding the position of the Executive Director of National Youth Congress of Albania since 2016, where was previously for two years the former President. 

Dafina graduated with a Bachelor degree in Political Sciences and International Relations and a Master of Science degree in Regional Policy and Security. She has as accomplished a post graduation specialization on Post Conflict Security Establishments, Peacebuilding and Mediation. Since 2017 she is academically involved as a professor in the Political Science Department, University of Tirana.

One of the remarkable steps in the youth sector has been her involvement at the Working Group to establish Regional Youth Cooperation Office by representing Albania in the process, followed by 3 years of direct engagement in the Governing Board of this structure.