

Joint searching for answers to all those terribly complex questions

This session will give a first insight into the potential of the "philosophical" (p4c) approach/ tool in dealing with current crises as well as future challenges. By means of a 'philosophical' approach together we will reflect on your ideas and worries, explore potential solutions and strengthen each other's resilience. - Your thoughts are welcome! - Format: open 'philosophical' discussion circle; Objectives: Joint thinking, listening, learning, understanding, respecting; 

Project in the frames of which the session was developed

Europify - Independent Institute for European Education & Integration


Bernhard Köhle

Bernhard KÖHLE is founder of "Europify - Independent Institute of European Education & Integration" and "Wikiphilo - Vienna Institute for Philosophy for Children" and is specialized in innovative citizenship education and training. He has a profound background and rich experience in teaching, European cross-border cooperation and governance. Bernhard is always open for new ideas.