

"Rural Youth Hub" a platform for Youth Activism and Community Change in Albania!

Objective(s) of the session

  • Provide general information about the Rural Youth Hub in Albania, the reasons that led to the creation of the group.
  • Share short testimonials about RYH, youth involvement and networking activities where they have participated.
  • Discuss challenges of youngsters livening in rural areas in Albania, and the opportunities that Rural Youth Hub model creates. 

This session aims to introduce the new and only rural youth group in Albania, established in 2019 with the support of the Albanian Network for Rural Development organization. This youth group is an initiative of some young people who have strong ties with their communities, and whose goal is to identify their challenges and potentials in order to promote and educate youngsters to be leaders in the communities where they live. This group has the ambition to be the right hub for the empowerment of youth ideas, and a communication channel between rural youth and higher authorities.

Through this presentation, we want to introduce the Rural Youth Hub (RYH) as an active platform in supporting young people to exchange experiences, knowledge and sharing the vision for the future of rural communities. This group consists of members who have different backgrounds and activities including agriculture, tourism, civil society who share the mission of becoming a Hub for gathering young rural entrepreneurs, directs, guides and becoming their voice for accomplishment of rural development policies.

Project in the frames of which the session was developed

Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) /Project: Rural Albanian Youth


Ilda Metani

Ilda Metani is the Coordinator for the Rural Youth Hub project implemented by the Albanian Network for Rural Development organization. She is graduated at the Faculty of Forestry at the Agricultural University of Tirana and holds a Master's degree in Integrated Planning for Rural Development and Environmental Management in IAMZ-CIHEAM International Institute in Spain. Ilda also completed an eight-month internship under the EU Erasmus+ program in Porto, Portugal, at the CIBIO-InBIO Investigative Center, which focuses on phenological responses of the Earth's surface to climate change.

Her main interests are: Environment, Forests, Tourism and Rural Youth Empowerment.